more raisin bread
Yeah... the best part was when he wanted to leave the flat and forgot that you need a key to open the lock. And when he finally found the keys, he didn't know which one was it. In the end, he did something really hilarious. Shannen has the pictures to show of it. I must get her to post it on the internet. =p
Anyway... Sweez took the quiz on how he was most likely to die... he got'BOMBED'. As in, the innocent bystander thrown into terrorist attack kind. Poor guy. And I got 'SUICIDE', and since I was wondering why since I don't get depressed easily, YH said maybe I'll become one of those suicide bombers. So now we have a story.
YH as the mastermind will order me to become a suicide bomber. So me will crash the plane into a bus stop outside Macdonalds where poor innocent Swee Wei will be standing. We die. Then Yinghui will be shot to death (assassinated) for her actions. LOL.
Er, as you can see we didn't do much work yesterday... I did learn something, though. People go crazy when they're hungry. *coughJoshcough*
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