a loooong week
This week has been eventful, and I have not had the time to update it at all!!
Anyway, Tues was V-day, I was quite happy...!! Cause of the many goodies that I recieved... hehe... I have a sweet tooth! And it felt good to give gifts with what little abilities I had. (Though I felt somewhat low at the end of the day because of... certain troubling friendship issues.) Thanks to all you gave me gifts and to all my friends. ^_^
Oh, and Adeline gave me a V-day present too! So sweet of her, I did not expect it at all! But her postcard really brightened up my day. Helps to know that there's still an ex-classmate who cares =D
Wednesday was WONDERFUL. I organised a lunch outing to... erm, a secret hiding place for my dear guzheng clique. We da-baoed lunch there and spent about one hour (or nearlly two) chit-chatting! Gosh, I reallly love them. I love them for who they are and for letting me be myself around them. It's no often I can talk so freely, but with them words come so easily! Yesh, and we have called ourselves the FOUR MARAUDERS. Guess which one I am. Ahahahaha. (clue: I'm very serious. Okay, that was a dead give-away.)
To Lupin: I love you forever!! Muacks~~ Thanks for everything. I mean it. =)
To James: I miss you! So glad that we had a chance to chit-chat again!
To Pettigrew: I think I'll try to stop being mean to you. And... yup, you know what's coming~ =P
Anyway, that place is now our secret hideout. Hopefully we never get discovered or caught there.
Oh, yeah, we pissed off our guzheng instructor...
AND yesterday was THE ONE FINALS. Whee. The soloists were okay, but the GROUPS... I don't think there was any really very terrible one. I LOVE THE ELECTRIC GUITAR. I WANNA LEARN IT. HAHA. Justin Junyi Marcus ROCKED. Their 'Breathe Easy'... It was perfect. Totally. The rock bands - well, the rock bands ROCKED, too. =/ But Li Jun Yi and Friends won the Grand Finals!! Yay!! Congrats! =D
Wahlao, that stupid bunch of bimbos sitting behind our row. Superbly desperate la. (from classmates' account) They were swooning over every single so-so looking guy that pops up on stage. Heard that they even started absurdly bitching about other people's physical appearances. They must be blind, or just jealous. Seriously, even if they really think so, they should just keep their mouths shut or at least keep their voices down in a crowded place, and try harder not to be heard by so many smarter people in the auditorium.
ugh. Did I mention I have very very very little tolerance for bimbos like these? And why am I bitching like this too? Hahahaha.
Today was an okay day. Oh, yeah, Mrs Chua took over for Economics today. SO HAPPY. For the first time in a long time I felt interested in Econs again. I was fully attentive for the whole lesson. Mrs Chua just... rocks... Sigh. WHY CAN'T YOU BE OUR ECONOMICS TUTOR!!? T_T
Oh yeah, this brings me to an important point. I HAVE DROPPED MATHS!! NO MORE MATHS FOR ME FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE, HURRRAHHHHH. Main reason: If I have to put in extra extra effort to do well in Maths since my capability to do Maths is way below average (I am not kidding, it's only hard work that gets me anywhere), my other subjects will be jeopardised... Anyway, I feel very shuang now. At first I was feeling very terrible about it. But now I'm just glad that my love-hate relationship with Mathematics has ended at last. For, as everyone knows, love-hate relationships just don't work out. So what if for that period if time that you love him/her/it, you love him/her/it to bits?
Haha, my analogy is SO COOL MAN.
Which somehow brings me to another point. I watched I NOT STUPID TOO!! It's a great movie. Funny and sad by intervals. I actually cried, which is saying a lot. And... I <3 Shawn Lee. Totally. Even my mom thinks he's handsome, and cuter than Joshua Ang at that~ Hahahaha~
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