shuting. Christian, Sagittarius, NYJCian, avid lover of music, the piano, the guzheng, art, books, manga, food, Final Fantasy, shopping, get-togethers, daydreaming, writing and many-things-Japan, and is the occasional insomniac. She also mood-swings. ph34r.


@}-- UMOJA - 05A1
@}-- Adeline
@}-- Candace
@}-- Chee Kiang
@}-- David
@}-- Emiko
@}-- Eunice
@}-- Jialing
@}-- Louise
@}-- Magdalene
@}-- May
@}-- Rebecca
@}-- Serene
@}-- Siti
@}-- Shannen
@}-- Shuyi
@}-- Swee Wei
@}-- Sylvia
@}-- Vincent
@}-- Xinyi
@}-- Yi Cheng
@}-- Yiling
@}-- Ying Hui
@}-- Yvonne
@}-- Zhi Wei



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@}-- February 2005
@}-- March 2005
@}-- April 2005
@}-- May 2005
@}-- June 2005
@}-- July 2005
@}-- August 2005
@}-- September 2005
@}-- October 2005
@}-- November 2005
@}-- December 2005
@}-- January 2006
@}-- February 2006
@}-- March 2006
@}-- April 2006
@}-- May 2006
@}-- June 2006
@}-- July 2006
@}-- August 2006
@}-- September 2006
@}-- October 2006
@}-- November 2006
@}-- December 2006


the dream has ended; the term is begun

Ooooh yes it's been a 'dreamful' four days away from school. I hadn't felt so relaxed in a long while. Didn't touch any books/papers at all, and whiled my time mostly out of the house. (Which means I haven't really taken a good rest since the exams ended, actually.) But I enjoyed myself. Come Doomsday (or rather, Doomsdays) in a few more days, I'm going to forget the definition of 'CAREFREE' completely.

Oh and the first day of school was WORSE, far WORSE than I expected. Devastatingly BORING. =(

On to happier thingies.



WENT OUT WITH LAO-GONG (SHUYI) AND SHUHUI! We, the three SHUS! Weiyu could not come because she had bad - very bad - cramps. =( I felt the 'missingness' of her all through our day out. It's just not the same without cutie-pie fishie. Really sad that she could not make it at the last minute. Oh well! We'll still have more outings together, darlings - more outings, more journeys, greater things to come in the future of our friendship. =)

All the same, we enjoyed ourselves. =) And I'm so glad Shu Hui (who is SUPER FUN TO BULLY) said she had a good time too, even though she was reluctant to come with us to town after KBOX.

OH DID I MENTION KBOX!?? I OBTAINED PERMISSION FROM MY MOMMY TO GO TO KBOX! YUPPEE!! Seriously, getting this permission from her is almost as though I'm asking my parents to give me their blessings for a marriage la. It's that serious. And she AGREED. With minimal fuss. Thank God, thank God, thank God!

Anyway KBOX WAS SHIOK. I've never been so high in kbox, ever (and I usually am VERY high in kbox anyway). It just goes to show how comfortable I am with my 'zheng mates. Dear 'zheng mates, count yourselves fortunate (or rather, unfortunate) to be among the very tiny handful or so of people whom I allow to see me Drunk/Very High/Crazy. In front of you, I can attempt to hit the super-high notes in Kbox without worrying that I may zhao xia and simply laughing it off when I DO. In front of you, I can bounce and sing with no stress at all. In front of you, I won't feel ashamed of myself. In front of you, I laugh and scream my ass off and giggle even more at the o_O looks you shoot me.

So thank you all. =)

After Kbox we went to KINO! MY DI ER TIAN TANG! (Yesh, I have to indulge my Japanese / bookwormish geeky instincts.) There I bought a lot of Useless Stuff. I pride myself on spending very little $$ on Useless Stuff (aside from clothes) so I thought it was Time to buy Useless Stuff once in a while.

And so I DID buy Useless Stuff like stickers(!!), a cutesy notebook (what happened to me!?) and a sketchpad (for my sis, which means it does NOT come under Useless Stuff actually.)

And after that we went to the Esplanade. Maybe it's because it's a Monday, but the Esplanade seemed pretty empty (and redundant) to me. I wonder how many people actually view the Esplanade as a valuable resource? I think, not many. Which is very sad indeed.

But we went to sit by the sea. It's true that the sea is always unusually soothing and calming on the senses. It made me content to be quiet and not talk. And you know, it's actually very valuable to have friends like this, who are willing simply to sit beside the sea and beside you, in silence. Of course we didn't keep silence the WHOLE time la. We spent the time lazily looking out at the dirrrty river and trying to identify the litter. And we also tried to figure out what was on the minds of those tourists when they decided to go for a bumboat ride.


Saturday was great fun for the most part, because in the afternoon we went to Bugis Street (BTW, I HAVE BEEN THERE LIKE 1000 TIMES THIS YEAR. I'M NEVER GOING THERE AGAIN). BUT we had the biggest and most exciting hide-and-seek game of our lives, I should think! Although it was purely one-sided. =P

Fisherman's Wharf has WONDERFUL fish & chips! ^_^ ANd since I NEVER eat that dish on my own, that day was my first or so time attempting to use a knife. *rolls eyes at self*


Sirens do exist. The sea is one.


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