OH MY GOODNESS. *excited*
IT'S OUT IT'S OUT! 'Hitoiro' by Mika Nakashima representing Nana Oosaki. Mika is my favourite Japanese singer! She totally does not disappoint. SHE CAN SING LA. (The only problem I have with Mika is her make-up =p)And I love this MV because it has scenes from the movie NANA 2!! AHHH! I simply can't wait to watch it! But I bet it's not going to be shown in Singapore...

WAII~~ So much better than the previous 20 year-old actor! Hongo Kanata is 16 so he fits 15 year old Shin perfectly. I'm so happy since Shin-chan is one of my favourite characters from NANA! But... I bet they aren't going to give Shin a big role... Since the actor's only 16 and um, in the manga Shin does a lot of things 15 year olds_don't_do. Hm. =(
Comparison with manga-Shin:

Man2 xiang4 de, dui4 ba! <3
Oh, and Hongo Kanata also happens to be the actor for Echizen Ryoma (main character) for the Prince of Tennis movie. I went 'WAI~~' when I saw him in it too... until about half an hour into the show. He's simply irritating in that movie because he has this poker face ALL THE TIME. (Yes, I wanna watch the Prince of Tennis movie. It's on youtube but without subs. BUT it's alright because the main point of the movie is the CUTE GUYS~~)
Here I shall declare my love for the Nana that we all know in case she gets jealous because almost the whole of this entry is dedicated to NANA but not to her ;)
And YES. My exams are NOT OVER YET. IT IS NOT FAIR. This is discrimination, DISCRIMINATION AGAINST ART STUDENTS, I say. XP People are out there celebrating and rejoicing and I'm only just starting to count down.
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