I have been seeing my classmates everyday. Especially this Yinghui, whom I think is seriously considering co-habitating with me. I bet she loves ner NEW mp3s. I bet she loves my comics (I dumped a lot of my TRC and Bleach manga on her. Which reminds me, I must catch up with the TRC manga! Because of Fai! And I must read DeathNote! *gasp*). And guess just WHO uploaded the schweet pics in the end?
*drum-roll* ME! (surprise, surprise!)
click on thumbnails to enlargggeeee.

Jack and Jill went up the hill.

And the rooftop.

Yinghui is head over heels in love with me.
Love them lots! <3
Watched like FOUR hours of TV yesterday in one sitting, which is the first time in FOREVER, I think. =) Can't wait for VivoCity tomorrow! I hope Nana wears her fake e_e_a_h_s!
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