[sidetrack: My classmates are a really fun and psycho bunch of people. =)]
shuting. Christian, Sagittarius, NYJCian, avid lover of music, the piano, the guzheng, art, books, manga, food, Final Fantasy, shopping, get-togethers, daydreaming, writing and many-things-Japan, and is the occasional insomniac. She also mood-swings. ph34r.
@}-- UMOJA - 05A1
@}-- Adeline
@}-- Candace
@}-- Chee Kiang
@}-- David
@}-- Emiko
@}-- Eunice
@}-- Jialing
@}-- Louise
@}-- Magdalene
@}-- May
@}-- Rebecca
@}-- Serene
@}-- Siti
@}-- Shannen
@}-- Shuyi
@}-- Swee Wei
@}-- Sylvia
@}-- Vincent
@}-- Xinyi
@}-- Yi Cheng
@}-- Yiling
@}-- Ying Hui
@}-- Yvonne
@}-- Zhi Wei
Layout by Yanagi
for Radical Dreamers Designs
[sidetrack: My classmates are a really fun and psycho bunch of people. =)]
another pointless update
This blog song rocks! Cause it's by JAY! And it fits my blogskin! And it fits me because my humour also occasionally has a tendency to lean towards the dark side. Hahahaha.
Anyway... why am I in a good mood?... because... PW gives me a sense of satisfaction! HOho! We are nearly done! Mel is doing so much work with the slides though. Jiayou baby!! Mwahahaha. I love my pw maties. Most of all, PW itself! I will be so so so very depressed when all this is over. The schools need to have PW every year! Argh, why didn't they have PW in my four years of sec school life? I would have enjoyed mah sec sch life so much more. T_T
Yes... I kee siao liao.
Today I also talked with someone over the phone, and I went 'gai gai' with Shannen (as if J8 is a very nice place to gai-gai at actually XP)... And I realized the tens of thousands of things I wanna buy! I need to get
- slippers
- sling bag
- 'hoop' earrings (I dunno the exact term ^^;)
- er, clothes.
- mp3 player!!...
I sound so bimbotic la. I think you all are gonna look at this, nod and go 'Glad you know.'
I realized I should appreciate certain people more because certain people are very nice to me. Hahaha. Also, Shannen said I should just wear whatever I want to wear. I think she's right. So from now on I shall just wear whatever I want to wear. Don't gape at me if you see me passing by on the streets, k! But I still don't have enough faith in my taste. Everyone says my taste is weird la. (But definitely not as bad as Marilyn's XP XP XP)
Oh, ya, I came up with this (too excited though it's not confirmed yet)
% of Songs In My (Imaginary) MP3 Player (according to Language.)
So ironic. I'm actually the most biased against songs of the language I'm most fluent in. O_O
I am addicted to FULL HOUSE. I need the DVD. *pines away* I actually like it better than Stairway to Heaven because nothing happy actually happens in Stairway to Heaven... FULL HOUSE is TOO cute. Though it gets kind of predictable and repetitive at times, but then again, so is Stairway to Heaven. The bad guys get caught but the ultimate good guy suffers a worse fate than the villains. Which is really, really sad. Why am I only watching Korean dramas these days? Haha.
I still suspect that I may like Da Chang Jin better than these two because it has a really nice plot and really nice music, even though the people all look very boring. I thought it was very boring at first too, until I actually got down to REALLY watching it. I need that ending theme!!!!!!! tried searching on baidu.com but they only gave me the lousy Chinese version. Me sad.
oh no!
I can't believe I'm actually starting to... to... l... like...
(esp. the violin solo part near the end. )
*kills self* XP
I love this song!! ^^
[我爱你 - SHE]
The lyrics above are my favourite lines of the song. ^^ Change encoding to unicode to view it, hehe.
The whole song is very pretty. So very 'drama', I know, but that's the way I like it. Can feel the... power, the passion, the LOVE. hahahahaha. Shall not try to be lit-tish here. heeeee. *starts singing 'WHERE IS THE LOVE', is spastic*
I just can't help it. There are always a million-and-one questions, a million-and-one issues surfacing in my head at the same time.
Anyway, this is just to say not to expect too much from my blog. I am always honest in my entries, but I never give the full picture, I never put in much of what I feel and think. Everything I write here is so superficial I get sick sometimes looking at it...
I am only human. I am also capable of anger. Just like you are. Just like everyone else is. I am also capable of sadness. Just like you are. Just like everyone else.
And yet I am not like everyone else.
For the first time this year... I can feel myself plunging headlong into... not depression. That's not the word. It could be confusion. Something kinda close to that...
Have to say I love my PW maties though. Hehe... and am really proud of the progress we are making. Think we can get a good grade!!! =)
Have to say I suppose I am sort of satisfied with my current grades. All I will comment is that I think I'll most likely drop Literature more than any other subject. I did shittily for both of Anne Victor's sections, really... I don't have as much confidence in Lit anymore (as if I had a lot to begin with.) I will work hard for Maths! And prove myself worthy of an A! Mwahahahahaha.
Today got a letter from pally-wally! Soo happy! Haven't talked to pal in forever, so it felt so good to chat with her. Also very glad that I didn't fall out with my other best friend. The long, very deep conversations I've had with these too... And I miss Shuyi and Weiyu and Shu Hui too. Miss hardcore too... PW is taking up all our time I suppose. Oh welL! We'll always have a chance to gather after OP. everyone, jiayou!
(ALSO, it's superbly irritating because when I DON'T want that spastic letter to pop up, it DOES. Usually in a long anzd never-ending string that annoys the hell out of me. If you see any typos here, you have to excuse me.)
*deep breath*
Something happened lately. Anyway, I'm glad it got settled (or not yet, maybe...). I feel a little more relaxed. A little less tense. A whole lot more calmer. My bitchiness faded away.
Thought I should blog before I clog up my blog (...) with a lot of qui* results no one wants to see anyway. Hahahaha...
The past few days.. were okay ones. NY'S Open House was quite pathetic. (I mean, not many people would actually prefer to visit the third JC in rank from the bottom.) I did not see many visitors around, especially early in the morning... and as I was telling my friends, a large proportion of these visitors are actually here for reunions with their old friends. Hahaha...
The whole bottom section of my right arm (from my wrist to my elbow) is... bruised. (Somewhat.) XP It's from all the shifting around of the stupid gu*hengs. I like to hold them to my right. So the thing bumps into my hip. I think if this continues a few years down the road, my right will look significazntly smaller than my left. I may fracture my right hip bone or something. HAHAHA... not to mention that strings cutting into my skin. Carrying it around once in a while is fine, okay, no-big-deal. But it is not when you have to do it three days in a row.
(I cannot, CANNOT help noticing that some g* members are always slacking while my friends and I do so much. We always go back and make second, even third trips to get all the stuff back and forth between the performance area and the practice room. But they always make one trip, and say they've done their share. WTH.)
Shall stop bitching behind their backs. No point. I will stop before my blog starts becoming known for its bitchiness (though I don't think I will go that far, but it's human nature to find it hard to stop once you've started, isn't it?)
hm. I have to say, I truly enjoyed the g*heng sessions. EVen though the songs were very boring. But I missed gu*heng. And I missed my dear friends. I always feel so relaxed with them. They are just such cute people. Heee. Really_must_go out with them soon. =)
Played a bit of pool today. WON YH!!!! cause she hit in the black ball. I really think that I always make my opponents hit in the black ball... it accounts for 90% of the reasonsz I win... but I got trashed by Vinny.. it was obvious even though I cut off the game halfway. XP
And Shave's mini-birthday session on Wed was the ultimate. It was very entertaining. XP
Could not attend Jiapei's pool party... really sorry. hope it was fun though! (it's probably still going on now...)
I hope my grandfather comes back soon!
Your Personality Profile
You are dependable, popular, and observant.
Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness.
In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do.
You are unique, creative, and expressive.
You don't mind waving your freak flag every once and a while.
And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming!
i'm hungry!
Wanna know what it's like living under the Nazis? or Bolsheviks? How about the Japanese Occupation?
Urgh. try living in my home.
I'm bored
1. Losing my all my loved ones and friends
2. Solitude
3. Going blind, deaf, or losing my hands and/or legs
4. Anything of the above happening to any of my loved ones
5. Insects (uh-huh)
6. Ghosts. o_o (okay, laugh at me!!!)
7. Dying before I experience everything life has to offer...
7 things I love most
1. My family.
2. My friends (especially those special few people)
3. MUSIC - makes the people come together, yeah
4. FOOD! !!!11
5. My laptop(s)
6. My CDs
7. God.
7 important stuff in my room
1. bed
2. my two pillows + my bolster!
3. my RADIO!
4. the fan
5. my books
6. my *crap collective* ;)
7. erm. The blinds!
7 random facts about me...
1. I am hungry 3/4s of the time!!
2. I love blue, white, pink, purple and black!
3. I get bored easily.
4. I write with my right hand and play racquet games with my left hand. o_o
5. I don't like authority.
6. I... am given to bouts of insanity. o_o (er, really. I think I am most likely to suffer from mental illnesses more than any other kind of illnesses... haha.)
7. I'm drinking water while typing this.
7 things I plan to do before i kick the bucket..
1. Tour the world!!!
2. Sky-dive!!!! I wanna know how that free-falling feeling is like so that I can stop wondering when I look out of the window. Ya, my *suicidal* inclinations scare me. And I live on the 20th storey la. o_o
3. Spend allllllll my money!
4. Get in big big + exciting trouble (and out of it) XP
5. Give my mom and dad a good life
6. Marry and have kids!!
7. Watch my kids and my friends grow up and become successful people! (haha, I think so far ahead)
7 things that I can do.
1. A lot of stuff (but am not particularly good at anything)
2. Draw (sorta!)
3. Look *guai*/*dao*
4. Listen
5. Type and write really fast
6. Go down the stairs really really fast
7. Sing
7 things I can't do
1. Stay sad/angry for more than two hours at a time
2. Do a Maths paper without a SINGLE careless mistake.
3. ...rap? (Oh wait! I can rap 'ba wo hui lai le! And 'Last One Standing'! hahahaha)
4. Not say/do something stupid and embarassing at times (not that I want to la!)
5. Change my image (can't help looking guai ma... it's how I was born to look like!)
6. FOCUS while studying
7. Eat bitter stuff. *yucks*
7 things I say the most
1. Huh?
2. What? What?? What?!!!!
3. What happened?
4. OMG.
5. Tell meeeeee!
7. ....
(I sound like a bimbo...)
7 celeb crushes
1. Won Bin!
2. Jay Chou
3. Edison Chen?
4. ?
5. ?
6. ?
7. I agree with Sweez, I respect celeb's abilities but I can't bring myself to worship them... haha.
7 people who have to do this
2. Yvonne
3. Vincent
4. Cheeki
5. Louise
6. Sylvia
7. Jeness
(mainly just stating people who haven't done it yet =P)
I hate to say this, but...
that was out and over and done with. WHEEEEE!!
I don't really care who reads my blog (Esp. to teachers. If teachers supposedly read students' blogs to see if they're writing bad stuff about them, well, I think they jolly well deserve the bad things that the students would/have said. I mean, it's like the Chinese saying. If you haven't done anything to provoke your conscience, why bother if people say anything bad about you? =) )
Quote of the day from Vinny: "You don't want to sound like the old windbags who wrote your lecture notes."
*giggles* oh no! I'm too stressed and going mad. WHEEEEE
By the way... the Geog paper sucked... I suppose in EVERY EXAM, something has to happen that has never happened to me before. In this case, it was... *drum roll* TIME MANAGEMENT. Always prided myself on finishing my paper on time. Always. It didn't happen this time round. I have no hope for Geog anymore. Human geog sucks more than physical geog (and the point is, Physical Geog does NOT suck.)
One more thing... I still haven't gotten over my Maths paper... I am still brooding over it everyday. Cannot help it. *melancholy sigh*
K, shall go download stupid econs answers from litespeed!! But apparently they are NOT THERE. -_-" And those that are are crap. What on earth is wrong with this school? Why didn't I go to AJ or SA or MJ when I could?...
(Actually. That was a stupid question. I know the answer perfectly well. And it's probably not a great reason, but it was worth it. I'm gonna do my best in this school, no matter what it takes. A ticket to NUS is all I need.
Ja ne. And good luck for your exams!!! =) )
maru is bored
I AM SERIOUSLY BORED. I've read through the same set of Econs notes at least a hundred times now. It's so boring. Nothing to digest. Nothing to understand because I already DO. It's all so repetitive to me already. SOOO BORING!... I suppose this is just the result of taking two heavy Humanities. (At least studying Literature is interesting.)
Could barely concentrate the whole afternoon. In the end I suffered so much from withdrawal symptoms that I took out my badminton racquet and did some serving. Didn't really work out cause the ceiling was tooooo low. Sad huh.
I know, I know. I'm going mad! Because of boredom! -_-"
And for some reason, I am very high todaY. couldn't really focus on my studying. Sigh. At least I gao-dimed plate tectonics. And about 50 % of slopes. Can't wait to study weathering tomorrow. It should be easy-peasy! I'm not looking forward to studying human geog though. And memorizing the econs stuff. SOOOOOOO BORING.
The Chinese paper sucked. Don't think I will do well for the essay this time. The GP compre paper sucked... and I think my essay was mediocre too. I don't wanna think about the maths paper anymore. I could have gotten a distinction, but I screwed up. How? Simple. Just two words. The first starts with 'C'.
Sigh. I dunno how I'm going to get over this... this stupid mental block or whatever.. no one loses 20 marks to carelessness... no one except meeeee!!
- SHOPPING SPREE with hardcore gals!
- SHOPPING SPREE with mom and sista!
- draw!!! (haven't doodled in like forever)
- go out with hardcorers
- go to Marche with YH & Chey & Shave etc
- get new frameless specs! WHEE!
- get a sling bag
- get dad to teach me tennis and to bowl (properly)
- watch The Corpse Bride
- watch Goblet of Fire
- watch Shen Hua
- watch Wu Jian Dao 3
- watch FULL HOUSE
- catch up on manga reading
- borrow manga from Yiling (hahaha)
- go for guzheng (I miss guzheng (!!!))
- go out with hardcorers
- go out with my three guzheng darlings - laogong, jie and Shu Hui (who apparently, er, is no blood relation of us. Yet.)
- go out with Valerieeee! (miss Val...)
- go out with looooooooooly lou. (touched?)
- go out with... someone XP
- stop psing my classmates!
- birthday trip with pally-wally Sylvia! hoho
- run 2.4km every weekend (!!!)
- design new blogskin(s). hah
- did I mention going out with hardcorers?
last but not least...
...WORK ON PW!! WHEEE-HOOORAY!!! (why am I so enthusiastic?!!!!!!)
jiayou for exams, everyone! whee! gambatte! you can do it! yeah~~~~
*too high / too stressed - dunno which*
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