Should I go to AJC?
My dad thinks I should. Help.I think he wants 'face'. If you know what I mean. And I think if I go there, it's also because of the same reason.So I don't think it's a very good reason to go there.But will AJ give me a better route to university?-_-I think it depends on the individual... so... even in NY, I'll strive to go to the Uni. End of ramble. (But my relatives are pressurizing me to go AJ. HOW?)
help me.
The best of things happened today. I played Goal Attacker during PE and I got smashed in the face by a netball (or whatever ball it is). There's this tiny, very tiny cut/abrasion under my eye. It stings a lot, but it's no big deal.
But my mom had to bitch about it, bringing her oh-so-fine powers of premonition into this whole thing. See, she said that she warned me against ice-skating because I'd get bruises or cuts or end up mangled in hospital or something. And look! Behold! Today I got hit by a netball and got a cut under my right eye!! Is that sixth sense or what?
She makes me want to jump down from the 20th storey. (Which I'm living on, btw...)
I told her I got hit by a basketball instead of a netball. (Btw, I HAVE been hit in the face by a basketball before. But nothing bad really happened to me. And after that I scored three consecutive goals. *shrugs* The power of pain. HAHA.) Thank goodness I thought of that. If I told her it was a netball, I'd be doomed never to join netball as a CCA or something.
On the other hand, it IS very stupid (and pathetically funny) to get hit in the FACE by a netball. I suck. Go me.
Not really in good mood... a lot of other people were moody/pissed off/depressed today. *gives them all hugs* And above all, O level results are coming out on Monday. I'm finally getting worried. But I promised myself not to THINK about it.
Oh, yeah... I had this bitch-slapping session with Xinyi. (Hope she's not angry at me...) And we watched a little more of Moulin Rouge. Yay! I love that movie. *is making hopeless attempt to sound cheerful*
I have used my scanner 133 times.
More than that. I'm sure of it.

Yeah, we went to Secret Recipe! Yahoo. Haha. (As it turned out, we didn't go ice-skating after all. Which is kinda obvious. We went to Plaza Singapura...) And the food there is really 'OMG-inducing'. You should have heard me. We sounded like a bunch of really really 'swagu' people. But who cares?
(A little pissed now, because my computer 'hung' on me. Apparently it's low on virtual memory or something. Yesh. So it hung and I lost my previously very nice and detailed and happy and longish entry. That's why this one is so unnaturally brief.)
After that we went to take Neoprints.

No kidding. :D (Me, Yvonne, Mag, Ying Hui, Eunice). I've always loved taking Neoprints ever since the decorating ones were inventing and I luff it even more now. I suppose that the lesser the company, the nicer the photo stickers look. (It's still fun to take Neoprints with a bunch of people - like twelve or something, though. And hey, it's always fun when it's about 05a1. Go us.)
And this is the conversation of the day.
YVONNE: Huh? But $10 how to divide?
ME & MAG *togetherly* Two point five.
YVONNE: ...Aaaah, shut up!
The best part isn;t here yet.
Okay, not really. But there was a lot of smoke at the upper levels of the mall and stuff. We went to the toilet and all of a sudden, the lights went off. Kinda freaky, but we figured out that the fire/smoke alarm went off and they cut off electricity and stuff. So we tried to exit PS, but the moment we did that, the alarm went off.
...So we went back in. And we tried to head to a toilet, but...
... the alarm came on again.
Go PS.
So we gave up and left... but our two very nosy lamers Yinghui and Eunice decided to explore the place and hopefully gather some explanation as to why there was so much smoke. They didn't succeed. Unfortunately.
...What a dramatic day, though.
I shall end off with the most surprising and unexpected statement ever:
Numbing fingers....
Am typing in school library now. The air-con is on at full blast. It's like 9 in the morning. I'm supposed to bve having History lesson now but CARROT sucks, so I skipped his lesson. AHA. I wouldn't mind skipping Peng's one also... I'm not likely to pay attention - I'm just not the kind of person who can focus. But Peng = really really nice! HE's ever-smiling. They say he's never scolded a student before. (But someone told me he was an unpleasant teacher. I forgot who... it sounds really impossible though.)I think I'm REALLY dropping Hist now because I'm skipping Hist like hell. I don't think I can catch up very easily after first 3 mths. *sighs*I'm supposed to go ice-skating today. I was so enthusiastic about it and everything. I was one of the planners. I even PSYCHOED people to go. But now I'm really confused. I feel damn bad. About lying to my mom and everything. I REALLY wanna go - don't get me wrong. I won't NOT go just beause my dad says it's not good to go ice-skating. I've learnt to not be taken in so easily and just do what I REALLY want. But I really feel horrible about lying to my mom and all - and if I DO go... what am I gonna say to her when I reach home? Plus, my dad knows what I'm up to - I'm still praying he hasn't told my mom. Yet. Okay, obviously he hasn't because he's at work now and my mom hasn't called to SCREAM in my ear or something. (Then again, she knows I';m in school and guai-guai-ing having lessons. Or so she thinks, anyway. Bah. I'm really confused now. Go? Or not? I wouldn't mind going but not today. When there's school tomorrow. When we have to RUSH like hell cause I promised to be back by seven pm. I wouldn't mind going if EVERYONE could make it and it was on a weekend. Unfortunately weekends mean 'family day' for too many people. Me? no 'family day' anymore. Saturday, I'm stuck at home - mostly alone. Baaaaaah.)I suppose I'll leave things to fate. Haha. We'll see this afternoon.But I really don't feel like going anymore.*cries*But I wanna be with mah class. Or am I thinking too much about all this? Worrying too much?Hello, it's not ME at stake here... it's the trust my parents have in me... And while I tell white lies to them ALL the time... this = BIG issue. Whether I like it or not.>.<Just saw GP skit(s). The finals. Highly entertaining (haha, I think I'm being sarcastic. Or not. Whatever.) For some reason, the end of our study-mamas skit was the funniest one. The part where the camera panned in on the four chi-go-pehs (ie. old pervies) waiting in line for their massage. Wahaha. Swee Wei really looks like one. Hee. Yesterday I attended GUZHENG PRACTICE. It like totally SUCKED. -_- I'm really considering quitting. I love the instrument and I love the songs we're playing and I especially appreciate the fact that all my ZH guzheng friends (and some new ones that I've made) are here to go through all that sh*t with me, but the thing is, I don't like the teacher. I don't like the hours. They released us at like EIGHT-THIRTY yesterday. PLUS. The worst thing is the J2s who are supposed to be helping us don't even have a real clue about what they're playing in the first place. Of course I'm glad that they tried to help but... the whole troupe is so frikkin disorganized that no one is CLEAR about the exact notes to play and crap and if the teacher or anyone else thinks we're going to get anything but a COP in our current state, they're dead wrong.Do you know when I finished my dinner yesterday? NEARLY NINE. PLUS - it's my MOM who cares more than I do about reaching home late!!! x.x I want her to stop caring so much. I don't frikkin need it. She was screaming at me for being mindless because I didn't grab a snack after school to make me not-s-hungry. HELLO? When I reached home I DIDN'T SAY A SINGLE WORD ABOUT MY STATE OF HUNGER. Sometimes that woman really makes me want to kill myself.I'm not saying I hate her. (WHy should I? since she's done EVERYTHING for me?) But she doesn't need to smother me with all her love disguised by screamings and shoutings and reprimandings and constant-raids-on-my-drawers-and-bags-and-purse. Bah. Not happy. Maybe it's because of O level results. Don't think so, though... I told myself wouldn't angst/crap/sound angry too much. But bah. Wanted to let off some steam.
Today I also talked with Ying Xia on MSN. Very long discussion, we had... about me and NYJC life and the olde class of 4E4. Haha. I feel better about myself now.
Anyway, today I skipped a grand total of THREE lessons. A record. x.x I think ZH people would faint if they knew I skipped like thousands of lessons in just two months or so. Those who don't know me - or THINK they know me, anyway. Hahahaha. I feel so nice and 'guai'. *angel halo* I even skipped Lit although I was actually planning to return to school. Too late, though. Bzzzzt.
We bought these keychains... male symbols for the guys and female for the girls. (Obviously.) before that we took Neoprints.
I realize that I've been taking a LOT Of neoprints lately. (It's like, everytime I go out with the usual people from 05A1, which is like everyday now, we take NEOPRINTS. Neopints, neoprints and more neoprints. Fun. Whee.)
yay! So happy! The copy of teenage I bought today had a little article about Won Bin!! SQUEE! Hehe. I really luff the guy! He looks so sweet and apparently he has a really sweet and real personality too. :P Personally, I'm not really the kind to chase after real-life idols, but... I gotta make an exception for Won Bin. He really ish the prettiest Asian actor ever... and I luff him in Taegukgi. ^_^ I'm not sure I still count as a true-blue obsessor, though. I only liked him after watching Taegukgi... before that I didn't even know he existed. I'm so stupid. Must really come out of my hermit crab's shell and go watch some TV, now...
I'd be watching TV if my stupid mom didn't make so much noise about it. She doesn't want me to get addicted to watching TV serials. It is SO stupid. Also, because I'm forced to sleep early every night, I miss all t3h nice shows. And because I have to sleep early, I'm shooed off the TV before you can say 'boo'. -_- What a life.
I've been blog-hopping... especially to 4E4 people's blogs... I realize that there are a lot of depressing blog entries within.
I think a lot of people think I'm very happy from reading my blog... actually, I'm not. Really. I believe everyone has their ups and downs. No one is truly happy forever. There'll always be those days - those times - when you think the world is sh*t and so are you. Haha. I have one of those days. I have one of those moments. But I don't put them down in my journal because... I don't want to remember unhappy moments. When I look back I wanna see only happy moments. No, it's not that I'll be lying to myself... just that I don't think anyone really wants to remember unhappy things unless you learn something valuable from it.
And then when I'm unhappy... well... it's usually something more personal than most... so I don't post it here where just about ANYONE can see it. (That's why I have like, two blogs. Hahaha.) That's if I wanna talk about it, and I usually DO - it's just that sometimes I'm overly-optimistic about life and tend to move on a little too quickly. (Which also means I don't do anything about the problem, which means I'm always stuck at square one. Happy and oblivious. Maybe. I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore.)
BTW, I think I'll be dropping History and transferring to Geography after the first three months. I really like Hist, but the teachers (specifically, CARROT) sucks like hell and the passing rate for EVERY JC is VERY low. Even if your teachers actually put substance into their tutorials. -_- Besides, I have Geog background. And I like Geog. Just not the Human geog component, because it's boring.
(Oh. ANd I forgot map-reading. *TOTALLY HATES MAP-READING*)
Well. Like my dad said - you can't get the best of both worlds. Haha.
Okay, I know this is getting OLD but... I really love 05A1. I know I'm really going to miss 05A1.
My eyes hurt.
...as they always do when I'm on the comp for too long.
Someone teach me how to make a skin!!111one -_- I've been spending most of my time trying to make my other blog look better - but I've failed miserably, obviously. It looks pretty strange now. I'll do away with da words when I have the time. *cough* Anyway. I've been visting graphic sites, trying to find nice layouts to use for my blog - but I can't even open the style document. Apparently my Dreamweaver has reached its expiration date or something. Blah. It's so irritating when that happens.
Anyway, I do hope we have a 05A1 outing soon. (Like, maybe... tomorrow?!?) Because O results are coming out soon and we really need to have some time together before it's all over and we 'kena' separated. -_- I dreamt of that once, seriously. i dreamt that once this person was going on and on about friendships and 05A1 and stuff and I listened til' I cried. And it was in a dream. -_- See, even in my dream, I'm so emotional. Bwahahaha. ph34r. (But after that, the dream went on to become some kind of silly pirate-ship contest thingy on a lagoon. Oh, well.)
Anyway, yesterday we had the filming of our GP skit. Our air stewardess Franni didn't act as the prostitute after all. Ying Hui did it. OMG. The bed scene looked really realistic. With the curtain and the light shining through and stuff - shadow puppet show, kinda. They had to act out an alternative scene in case the school censored it. :P Hehe. (For more details, see Eunice's blog!!! :P Wish I had your patience for detailed entries today, Euny, hahahaha.)
Sylvia and I are planning to do a 05A1 comic. I dunno how we're gonna do it. But I've started drawing some faces (Mag & Babyface). Sylvia's done a drawing of Emiko and it was kawaii. (Btw, woman, you haven't shown me what you drew. @_@ Stop keeping t3h poor meh in suspense!!)
I'm proud of ME!
Thank God! Hehe... I finally got my internet connection back. (Haha, the irony. I only went without Internet for two days and on one of those days I used the school computer for fifteen minutes. -_- Me ish lame.)
Anyway! Me so happy! ^_^ I think everyone's tired of hearing this but... 05A1 so rocks! ^_^ It's the BEST class I've ever, ever, EVER been in. Yay! I really had fun today thanks to all of you guys. And the RIDES. ^_ ^ Haha, I feel sho proud of meself! I actually conquered all of the supposedly really scary rides at Escape Theme Park today! (Those that were open, anyway. Haha.) And I didn't scream... not too much, anyway! See? I've proved my paranoid mom wrong! I'm MADE for thrill rides, ahahahaha!
But seriously, though... it was my first try on the Viking and I already sat at the end! Plus... I wasn't really that freaked out. It was definitely the scariest one - but also the funnest one. ^_^ The Pepsi (or Walls) one was scary, too... mainly because of the sudden jerks and rotations. -_- That's why I didn't enjoy that one so much, plus, I didn't really dare to open my eyes and look at the revolving scenery. *shrugs* Oh, well...
I suppose the Rainbow one is the most fun to most - mainly because it's addictive! It just goes round and round - really high and really fast so you knock - knock into the sides of your seat and the people next to you. But you don't get a sense of free fall - it's just that it's fast and you can see the surrounding scenery. Really fun. Went for it TWICE. Went for the water ride twice too - but it wasn't as fun the second time around.
Alpha 8 was thrilling, I suppose... but it was a little awful. Mainly because of the way we kept getting knocked about - my head bumped into Yvonne's!! I was so sore after I got out from the 'craft'... (speaking of which, the introduction to the ride is really, really corny. Even the people dressed in da space-suits look very funny. Hahaha.)
Well... after the whole thing, we went to Seoul (Shio) Garden to have lunch! Actally, it was four plus... which meant it was dinner, in some way. -_- But it was really fun and I became the official photographer of the session. Ahahaha. Sho fun. You should see all those spastic photos. ;)
---> Which also means that I skipped Guzheng practice. For the SECOND time this week. >.< You all are really my idols! :D I can't believe that 05a1 has been blessed with so many awesome soccer players... hehe. UMOJA! Even though we lost to the teachers (stupid teachers.... how can they do this to us?! no fair.), we actually won some members of the 27th Student Council and the CANOEISTS. Bwahahaha!! What nice revenge it was... they actually fouled one of us Zhonghuarians. Hmmph.
(Btw... at one point during the last match, the ball went out of the court... and this passing jogger kicked it right back in. Guess who he was? *drum roll* It was... MY DAD!!!!!!! *dies* Don't ask me why he came to NY to JOG!!! And don't ask me why we didn't recognise/see each other, because the answer is kinda obvious for those people who were present. -_-)
Anyway... the past few days were really, really great. ^_^ Yaysh. Haven't felt this way in a long time. I'm all happy/hyper/butterflies/hearts/glitter/stars. *nod* Duh.(It's kinda rare for meh to use so many exclamation marks - positively anyway. Treasure mah entry. Haha. *rolls eyes*)
chocolate addiction.
Wahaha... even though this year this day STILL doesn't mean anything to me in the romantic sense, I still wanna wish you all a...
Forget me not. *kisses* Mwuacks!!
...Ignore me, I'm in thish shpashtic mood. *nod*
Anyway. I ate a lot of chocolate today!! I can feel myself putting on the pounds already. *cries and sh*t* Serene! Thanks for the brownie! It was very yummy... ^_^ And to the rest! Your chocolates are very nice also! Whee. I love chocolates. Oh, yeah, my sister gave me a three-dollar fake rose. I'd rather have a real rose and I'd rather she not spend that money on me, but it was schweet for her and I THANK YOU, sis! Mwahahahaha... and now I feel bad about not being able to give anyone gifts. *sigh*
Okie... today's Lit skit was... quite a success. QUITE. Because many of our 05A1 peeps said ours was the best by far. (I didn't ask anyone else from other classes, but I'm sure they'd all say the same. RIght? Right?!) Anyway, well, we didn't win. Seriously, I couldn't tell what on earth was the poetry the other classes were reciting. I couldn't hear or see very well from where I sat (and it sounded a little boring, anyway. Poetry's meant to be read to yourself, not transmitted by hearing especially in an environment where 3/4 of the people there can't hear you anyway.) But anyway, I think we're all proud of ourselves. Right? Our leads were fantastic! Yay-ness! :D
Sat night and Sunday afternoon was fun, btw! Finally we got visitors to our home. ^_^ (Finally, people to help us finish our never-ending supply of New Year goodies.) On Saturday night Lou and Deb's families came over. It was a very 're nao' occasion. I like having tons of guests around! The more, the merrier... I guess it's the atmosphere. HEH. Anyway, they were feeling rather bored, so I dragged my my PS (my dearly missed PS!!!) and let them play Ms Pac Man on it. Tim was acting a BRAT the whole night - couldn't wait for his turn, kept arguing that it was HIS, we couldn't get him to put down the controller, had to PRY it for him but couldn't or he'd scream.... Stupid kid. He always only ate zero pac dots anyway. Being only about 4/5 means thathe only hits the keys randomly and doesn't know how to navigate the thing, so he got stuck in the same starting spot and being cornered by the same ghost all the time. Wahahaha.
Sunday afternoon... Khee Peng came over and some of mah aunties and uncles and me and mah sis GAMBLED. @_@ I ACTUALLY GAMBLED! (I've gambled before, of course, but gambling with a max. of 40cs a stake doesn't make it less a sin. I don't really think gambling for fun is a bad thing, but, well, He said so. Heh.) But anyway, I was the big winner of that day. I earned so much!! I know it! But... I forgot to count my inital amount of money. So, until now, I have NO IDEA how much I actually earned. Yesh, I'm so stupid. Go meeee.
'I exist for you and for you alone!!'
I definitely don't regret buying my Super J-pop Ballad CD!! ^_^ Usually when I buy a CD, I'll regret it at least a little (for various reasons). But I don't regret buying this one at all! Haha. And I luff this song I'm listening to too - Can You Celebrate by Namie Amuro. Yay! J-pop rocks.
Today was fun. I shouldn't have come to school, though - there was no need! We didn't have a single proper lesson - we requested that the teachers NOT teach and they went along with it. Hey, it's the THIRD day of Chinese New Year! Everyone's still in t3h festive mood. Who'd want to have a boring tutorial?
After school we practiced for our skit! (It's a modern adaption of Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', btw.) :D I'm so proud! *sniff* Everyone - you did a great job! :D We can pull this off, definitely!! (As long as everyone turns up dressed appropriately with all lines memorised on Monday. Hahaha.)You know, after all that hype, I think our Literature teachers are really expecting SOMETHING from us so we'd better give it to them! Ya? ^_^
Just to give you an idea of how lame our script (and scriptwriter) is...
*stirring* …Hm? *grabs Helena’s hand suddenly* OMG! You! I exist for you and you alone!
Helena! You’re the ham chee peng of my eyes!
And this wasn't the worst of it all. XD Rehearsals were better than what I anticipated, really! Because everyone was so co-operative! Shuqi is an excellent actress - she's Hermia - she should really go and become a professional actress!! And Sylvia - ha, you're really good for someone who just started her 'acting career'! :P (Actually, this is my first real role too. Whatever. *shrugs*) And I knew Zhiyang would be good as Demetrius! Hahaha. I'm glad Chee Kian is now Bottom - he seems A LOT happier as him. Plus he has only one mushy scene (and here it's Mag who's at the losing end because Bottom just smirks and nods and goes 'ha, I'm so great'. Heh.)Everyone else is great too! Yeah.
Okie, can't wait for tomorrow. Maybe we'll go to Yiling's home for steamboat and FINALLY get to finish watching '1000 words'. I already miss bai-nianing (visiting people's homes for CNY)!!
Frikkin hell! I haven't used the internet for a LOONG time, I come online, I try to rush things, and all these pop-up windows, well, pop up on my screen. It took me forever to get rid of them and I ended up accidentally closing all under windows as well. Pop-up windows are EVILLL, I tell you!! Arrrgh!!! *kills*
Er... anyway. I'm a bit cranky now because I was taught how to play mahjong. That should be a good thing, really - but I lost. AND I lost because no one explained the rules clearly to me. -_- And then when I wanted to play again because I was pissed about not knowing the rules and hence losing, it was time to go home. Bah. -_-
Anyway, I also learnt Bridge and Hearts. Went crazy playing them with cousins yesterday.
First day was fun. ^_^ It was nice to se everyone again! Heh! Yiling looks really changed - more like a girl now! I feel proud for her in her place, haha. In contrast Weiling looks more and more like a guy. o_O *sigh* Oh, well. Jun Jie's voice has broken! Haha! And Junrong's happier now. Huilin is really a little plumper - didn't know her bf was so tall and hip. Hm... Lou, I liked your outfit. XD And your earrings. But don't you get, like, nervous wearing them? Because if anyone hooks their fingers through them and pulls it down... your ears are gone. Hahaha. *cough*
Also teased Yue Zheng about not joining the other guys. Hahahaha! Poor thing, though - it's too bad the other guy cousins are at least three years older than him. He has to stick with us girls.
HONGBAO MONEY: Grand Total for first day - $210.
Wahahahaha! And I still haven't counted money collected today, too. ^_^ *am lazy*. Hopefully I'll be able to keep about eighty bucks. Yeeeeesh.
2nd day was fun, too (in other words, TODAY). (Hey, like, since when is CNY NOT fun!?) Watched TV most of the day - but anyway. There was this guy at my mother's godmother's house who's a J1 and in NY, like me! He's in Nazgul. I forgot his name. *shrugs* What a small world! After that we went to Yiling's place... we tried to watch '1000 words' on her FFX-2 before we left but only caught the first few seconds of it. And it's NOT the first time! Oh well, according to Yiling, we improved by two seconds! Wahahahaha! Hopefully they'll invite us over again on Saturday. I luff going to their house!
Oh yeah, I didn't get to see your 'weird top', Lou...
Now for the lame part!!
Prawn cracker count: 1
Seaweed count: 7
Pineapple tart count: 8. Maybe 9.
Raisin count: Uncountable.
Of course that's NOT all that I ate, but I don't know the name of the other stuff I ate. I'm hyper about pineapple tarts, btw. I COULD have eaten more, but my tongue was burnt from the day before (and it still hurts.) See? CNY rox~!!! Unforutnately no one came to our house today, which means no one ate our goodies, which means we're going to have to throw a lot away or eat them ourselves sooner or later. And owing to my mom's paranoia about 'unhealthy' food, the latter is very impossible. But I tell you, CNY is only once a year. And we only live once. Yesh.
about one-tenth of my post always gets deleted. right before the teeny-weeny text part. PLUS, I didn't even set the text to teeny-weeny size. Strange, huh? Is this habit of Blogger by any chance?
Anyway, just wanted to clarify - reason for my sudden turn left turn right remark? I nearly got knocked down! I mean, if i had stalled or stopped in my tracks I wouldn't be here right now. And imagine getting knocked down in a CARPARK of all places. I suck. Stupid me... -_- Thank God. Really...
I hereby declare that taxis are evil.
They really are, okaaaaaay? It's like out of TEN empty taxis that drive past, only TWO actually turn into the taxi stand. I know it's CNY Eve and there'd definitely be a lot of people booking cabs and all that, but that doesn't change the fact that we waited for an HOUR for one. I was telling her that'd it be faster to take the MRT but by then it was too late. Poor Ying Hui. -_- I'm quite glad we talked a lot today because I think now we understand each other better. Whee.
Anyway, today's celebration was boring - are school concerts ever NOT boring? (Pegasus won the float competition and Phoenix won the performance, btw - no fair!) -_- After that we went back to ZHSS. Yay! ^_^ It was so nice to see everyone together again! I luff these occasions that bring all us ex-students back togethaaar. Whee. No one changed a lot except for Pearly - I could barely recognize her. She was walking past, and I was wondering to myself about who this person was and how come she looked so familiar, and it only hit me when someone else said her name. o.o
And then after that me, YH, Yi Cheng and Franniiiii went to see the class jersey and order it and stuff. We had to edit like EVERYONE's sizes. It was a very 'minor' crisis. We spent like forty-five minutes there just sorting everything out. But yay! I finally have a jersey. And it's gonna have like 'Liu Xing Yu' on it. Go meeee!
I need to get this off my chest - PLEASE LOOK LEFT AND RIGHT AND DON'T RUSH WHEN YOU CROSS THE ROAD. >.<>.<>
Yeah, um, anyway... our class is spastic.
Yesterday YH started it all by BOO-ing Quan Min as she came out of the toilet... so after we girls tried to BOO other girls and then other boys. Didn't work for them, though... but you could hear out screaming and laughter all the way down the corridor. Like, thank goodness this isn't a secondary school.
Earlier in the day we played this 'bull' game thing - and we won!!! Ooh-la-la... It was then when Xiang Yao and YH used 'tetegong' to describe some people of our class and YH went hysterical and from that moment on we couldn't stop laughing when we heard that term. (Dots, right?) Hahaha. So now tetegong is like 05A1's class motto or something. Franni & sweez invented hip-hop, heavy metal and soppy ballad versions for it. Go us. Yesh. Whee.
Happy CNY's eve to all. Mwahahaha! *anticipation* I. can't. wait. I mean, CNY is like my favourite festival of the year. Whee.
NETBALL!! ^_^ Yesh, netball is really fun! I played a lot of it today. ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ Today I rediscovered my luff for netball. Haha. Rediscovered because... I used to love it in primary school (though I didn't think we played it properly then). And then I watched the 4e4-vs-other-classes netball matches and I was shuddering and thinking that netball is actually kind of irritating and difficult to play. I mean, the referee was blowing her whistle every TWO secs! -_- But I suppose that all rules aside, the game is really fun. I'm not excellent at it or whatever. But it's fun, and that's all that matters. Right??
I'm seriously considering switching CCAs. Because I'm getting a little more than tired of Guzheng. I STILL like the instrument and I would fall over my own feet in my eagerness to join the Guzheng Alumi (ZHSS) but you see, it's no longer the same. Things aren't always what you think / like them to be when you go somewhere else. I have to admit I don't really like the Guzheng here in NY. Besides, my friends are like always telling me to join something else. I mean, they were damn shocked to hear I joined Guzheng - again. And I have to say, I quite agree. I wanna join a sport - I'm not very good at sports but at least they're fun, and, hey, those laps around the track - they're obligatory. If you join a sport you gotta make do with them. So it's no use complaining.
After all, what matters is that your CCA's fun, right?
Btw, I luff my CT now. Didn't think it possible that I'd love it as much as mah OG (Hatro STILL rules, you know) but now I know I do. I don't want so many people leaving to go over to Science! It's not fair! x.x I'll probably be staying, though. I quite like my comby (though I'm seriously rethinking about the History thingy) and I like my class and my friends and they're making school a lot more bearable for me. >.<>
Three months... is a very short time. (It's not even three months...)
First blog post
Whee!! Hahaha... actually, I've been blogging for over a year now. Longer than most of you out there, haha! Er... if you're wondering why I decided to switch blogs, I can tell you that I didn't, I only got a new one. You see, my old one (at LiveJournal, of all places) is too full of crap that I can't be bothered to go through and delete and it will continue to be filled with more crap than I can't embarass myself to post here. So I got a new blog. That simple? (Btw, I already have two other blogs - one's my main, not-so-public one, the other's very personal. IM me on MSN or something and see if I let you view them. Hahaha. Yeah, I'm weird, so what? ;P )
Oh, btw, I must give you a warning. Please get used to it if I sound like I'm talking to myself, because it's a habit and you don't really have to tell me I'm lame. Also, if in this blog I offend/insult/diss people, take it easy, okie? It's a journal, after all - you're supposed to be able to express your real feeligns in it - and what's more, I'm (for once) making it public. Which means that whenever I post here I know it's going to be viewed by people. So if I complain or whine about some people, well... face it. Haha. I already know what it might mean to other people. And anyway, I don't really hate any person (not at the moment). Annoying people / people I dislike only form about 0.5 % of the total no. of people I know, so don't worry. :P
Haha, I think I've crapped enough... and on my first entry too. Just wanted to make some things clear... (Don't worry, I'm not as nasty or 'dao' as I seem. I'm very nice. Really. =) ) (Somehow the smile seems a bit sarcastic to me. Oh, well. Think whatever you wanna think. :P )