haha! I can't believe I actually said that when the first time I watched them play pool, I got totally bored! Haha... I think everything only becomes fun when you actually try it yourself... Like the first time I went to a bowling alley. I totally didn't see the point with the whole aim-and-shoot thing, but then I tried... hee. I think hardcorers must go bowling next time!! (We always find new and innovative ways to spend our time!! ahaha!)And bowling is cheaper than pool... I THINK... but it is way more addictive. Haha. To me, anyway...
I SUCK AT POOL!! even though it's fun XD My ball can be soooooo near the hole and yet... I can't get it in. I am so pathetic. Lol. I tyco-edly won Euni though! REPEAT: TYCO-EDLY. ahaha. Btw, thanks to Von, Sweez, Euni and Crispy for attempting to teach me! I think I made you all vomit blood! haha...
AaaaaH! I started thinking of bowling!! And then now I get this craving! T_T Haha. We should REALLY go bowling... Because at least my dad approves of that! Haha! Actually, today was quite weird. When I wanted to go out, my mom suspected me of going to kbox (quite a shocker...), and when I came home, my dad asked me if I went to play pool again! -_-" haha.
Then we went to play arcade! DAMN FUN! Daytona rules! Haha! I will beat toddler one day! So embarassing to lose to a toddler... aha. But I got 1st out of 5 once!! Only when Qihao and Von weren't playing though. Aahaha. Then me, Euni and Von went to play Bishi Bashi!! You should have seen us... we were screaming our heads off and banging the circles like crazy... I'm sure this is the point where Vinny steps in, shakes his head and says, "GIRLS......." I really should get my Bishi Bashi back, and then we can go mad at my house. Haha.
Then we went to Tenchi! Luff that place. Hahaha. Me and Von were oogling at the big big poster that has Sasuke's face printed so bigly on it!! *squee!* And the bonus is.... the Shikamaru profile in the corner! Wahaha! The posters are all so nice ~ whee. Then we pitstopped there and crapped for a looong time. Didn't keep track of time. Bleh...
ahaha. I realized I haven't talked about my Literature paper yet. Maybe I've become immune since yesterday's Geog paper. The truth is, I'm gonna fail Lit. Maybe even worse than Maths 9233. I couldn't do the part on drama at all. I was FORCING myself to write. All I scribbled was RUBBISH. At times I totally lost track of what I was actually saying. Bleh. Will fail. Like Vinny says, it's 50 marks gone FIR. Hoho.
Yinghui didn't join us today. Neither did Shan and Mag and Cheeki. =( Sigh. I should stop pangsehing my class... But i had no choice... because... I promised to go watch Initial D with hardcorers! Hardcorers rule! ahaha. At least I'll have some feedback about the movie. Hohoho.
AND can you believe it?! GUZHENG PRACTICE ON WEDNESDAY. Oh, well... at least we have a new instructor..
sunny rain
Just came home from Marche.... Marche is very, very nice!! Haha... somehow YH, Shavy, Cheryl, Aileen and I pangseh-ed our class... which made me feel quite bad, actually. Our class has a lot of great people... But me and Shavy were kind of reluctant to go all the way to PS... and we even felt like going home. Then we started discussing about where else to go and this and that and in the end we decided to go town anyway. Yesh, we are weird people. Am quite happy, though! Cause we went to Marche. I've never been there! And it was quite fun! Ahaha. I must get my family to go there next time. HOHO.
YAY! exams are over! ALMOST.. because I still have Literature tomorrow... But there's not a lot to study for Literature... only iambic and pentameter and anapest... o_o I don't even remember what those are. *shrugs* Will worry about it tonight (or tomorrow morning).
The exams sucked... haha. My favourite exam was the Maths one though. It was super funny. My papers kept flying off and landing at almost exactly the same place. Aileen and YH beside me kept on laughing at them. I'm not too worried about Maths because I never had high expectations for it anyway. Besides, I could do everything until the fifth question. Everything went downhill from there and I could only like write one or two statements for every question. I am too pro. So, when doing my Maths 9233 paper on Tuesday, I got a feeling that this was familiar. It felt the way it did when I did my prelim A maths paper! Or my mid-year A maths paper!!
In other words... I am going to fail... really... ahahaha! I think I accomplished my aim of getting a double-digit score though. I am too pro!! An AO pass is 45 marks, right? Hopefully I'll be able to attain that score. HOPEFULLY.
GP was really horrible. I think I'm going to fail it this time. The other time I passed because I had a lot of research to back me up... but this time... well.. Geog today was horrible today. I couldn't see the clock. Which caused tons of problems for me. I didn't manage my time properly and in the end I spent too much time on physical geog. And I RUSHED through human geog. Human geog would have pulled my score up this time, but...
anyway.... my messy-gan was powderful today! Just look at my *beautiful* handwriting... mmhm.
I wonder when the hardcorers are going to go watch Initial D... sigh. I miss them! Still!1 Ahaha... They're coming over to my house on Saturday (again) to pia Naruto vol 9 (sooooo *unexpectedly). Can't wait. We must take neoprints with Maggiiie though! (Ha! I mentioned you!! You must be so touched.... =P)
I miss my guzheng! and my piano! And pally-wally! ANd my hubby! I really wanna talk to you two... but there's never any time and our circle of friends are so different... Sylvia, I am waiting for your snail mail! LOl. And Shuyi, you promised to keep in touch... *sniff* Shannen dear girl. I have something to ask you about. Haha.
I am not supposed to be here!
Anyway! Let's make a list.
ECONOMICS - 90% (finished TYS, memorizing everything there is to memorize)
GEOGRAPHY - 50 % (cause I haven't started on physical Geog and the case studies... shit.)
MATHEMATICS C - 10% (of course.)
LITERATURE - 100% (er, cause there is nothing to study.)
GENERAL PAPER - 1% (cause of the non-existence of my general knowledge)
But... actually, maybe my % for GP will rise to two! Because I know about the Seletar Reservoir incident. Quite sad, really. But the reason why I know is because my mom insisted on preaching it to me last night and this morning. She says she'll never let me go to Sentosa or to any beach again. Blah, blah, blah... -_-"
Let's make another list!!...
1) Play my (very dusty) piano. (I haven't touched it in weeks.)
2) Play my beautiful guzheng!
3) Make new blogskin. (Haha.)
4) Watch my taped episodes of Dou Yu.
5) Play my PS. Because, er, I haven't reallly touched it this holiday. (Which wasn't a holiday.)
Oh... and I need to get my Bishi Bashi back! It's too fun! Jialing and Yiling, you reading this? Hoho.... =P
ANYWAY! How come I'm doing so much GP research!? What happened to the rest?! =P Haha... clear out your inboxes people. I'm gonna send a lot of stuff over soon. If you want a gmail account please tell me! I still have 49 invites to send out. HOHO. (Sylvia, dear girl. You're really influencing my speech pattern. Aahahahaaha.)
OMG. Like what am I still doing online?! And BLOGGING?! I am so screwed. I am so going to do badly for my mid-years. I'll definitely flunk my Maths. That makes one. If I don't do well enough for Geog that makes two. (And GP is so gonna make THREE.) Damn those case studies. I am so demoralized now. Blehhh. Maybe I should have gone over to the Science stream. Haha. Okay, ignore my crapping. I'll never, EVER do that. haha.
Exams bring out the worst in me, I realized...
Anyway! I adopted a black rat yesterday. I'll show you all some photos soon (after my exams...). It's rubbery and you can twist or squeeze or pummel it anyway you want but it'll spring back to its original shape. Elastic. It feels gross and looks gross at first. And when you throw it on the ground... it goes SPLAT for one second. Then it reforms back to its shape. =P So disgustingly cute. My mom used it to play a prank on my dad. We didn't get the desired reaction, though. Sigh.
Speaking of my mom... Moms can be such bitches. I think I inherited my mood-swinging tendencies from her. One minute she was there laughing at the prank she played. The next she was screaming at me to... um, never mind. It was very ebil though. She was like RIGHT NEXT TO THE THING. And she asked ME, so diligently PREPARING FOR MY EXAMS, to clear it up. PLUS. It wasn't even my fault. AND... oh, well, never mind. Blah.
Exams bring out nostalgia in me! Blah. Euni, I love your current blogskin. I miss those days oh-so-badly. Especially Sylvia, Xinyi, Siti, Emiko, Pest, Franni, Val and the three musketeers. Sigh. I miss my 'zheng-er husband too. She said to keep in touch, but all we shared was a greeting. Blehhh.
BTW. Von and I have been traumatising each other the past few days. Haha. Yesterday I had an interesting conversation with Sweez. He started making me practise my analysing skillzzz for Lit. So I decided to analyse our MSN conversation window. So our convo went from the effects of the colour blue to the colour green to pastorals to CATTLE to, er, hell. I dunno how it got there. Haha... Afterwards we talked about me being a police officer. Me? Hahaha... I'd probably kill the innocent citizens (by mistake). Or be killed... hm.
I came to the conclusion... people who suck at maths (IE. ME!) can't be police officers. LOL...
Hahaha. Oh, and I discovered something... I have an advanced bloodline!!! Hahaha!! Courtesy of Labbit... he asked me why I'm so messy, and I said, 'it's in my blood'... Hahaha.. Labbit is so lame. Anyway. I am now the proud owner of a MESSY-GAN. HOHO. It's rainbow-coloured. I rock. Hahaha...
'I believe in karma - what you give is what you get in return'
For the first time, I'm wondering: what have I done?!Never mind about that. Bleh.'...I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side......I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye...'~ Savage Garden - AffirmationHAHA! I'm an idiot! I should have known better than to ask my mom where my things were. She embarked on a lecture that lasted like one hour. She went from saying I was irresponsible to saying I was a slacker (like my dad), to the fact that I can't do housework, to how I'm always out and with my friends, to how I'm probably going to run off the next moment and whine to my friends about how awful she is. Well, I'm probably doing this now. But the main point is this. She said:"I've raised you for so many years, I know you inside-out, I know what you're thinking, what you want to say, what you want to do. You're probably thinking all sorts of negative stuff about me. You're probably hating me because I'm scolding you again. You don't know how a mother feels."AH?! *makes buzzer sound* 100% wrong. Seems like my mom doesn't know me inside-out at all. One thing she doesn't know about me is that I'm a very fair person. AND I always look at things from different perspectives, or put myself in others shoes. That's the reason why I can never hate anyone too much. That's the reason why I seldom fully sympathise with other people either. I don't know why I'm like this. But if you grew up discriminated in all your primary school years, you wouldn't be so quick to point a finger and judge too.Anyway, I'm annoyed because she's yelling at me (while I'm trying to STUDY, no less). I mean, if you were being scolded, would you sit there and think, 'hey, this feels good, man!'? I don't know how a mother feels? I don't know how my own mother feels? Of course I know. I jjust never showed it. (I've learnt that shutting up shortens the scolding by a LOT. I would have talked back - I was on the verge to, but I'm not going to risk my study time. PLus, she was sitting next to me, IRONING her clothes. LOL.) Maybe I'm too proud? *shrugs* I realize that if I understand her feelings, I'm not doing a very good job at being a good and 'xiao shun' daughter too. I am such a idiot. Anyway. Did anyone take my Chinese exercise book by accident during hardcore study group? It has like thousands of 'ciyu' and 'chengyu' meanings inside... all painstakingly taken down and collected across a span of five months... I'm very proud of it! It has sentimental value.. Please return it if you find it, okay? T_TBLAH. *not happy*POSITIVE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF TOURISMREGULATORY MEASUREScan help offset the negative impacts of tourism. eg. limiting visitor numbers and protecting animals in reserves and parks. can help to maintain the integrity of wildlife reserves and even revive endangered species.RAISING ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESSppl come in closer contact with nature, therefore can understand better about the surroundings. will increase public appreciation of nature and awareness of environmental problems. this leads to promotion of environmentally-conscious behaviour and activities to protect teh environment. interest in historic buildings and sites may promote funding to conserve and maintain them.FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONSdirect - from earnings from parks and wildlife reserves, etc. can be allocated to pay for the research and protection of environmentally sensitive aeasindirect -- from government revenue, taxes, license fees for activities. can be used to pay labourers working in parks, pay park maintenance fees (bleh)PROMOTE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING-sound environmental management of tourist facilities increases benefits to natural areas. requires careful planning for controlled development with analysis of environmental resources of the tourist area-early planning for dev minimises damaging and expensive mistakes & prevents the gradual deterioration of environmental assets impt to tourism...(Shit. Can't they put all this in simpler terms?! It's so difficult to digest and memorise.)
erk... I am having PES... Pre-Exam Syndrome. Blahh... all sian-ed and depressed... this happens to me every year. Hm. I'm so sick of studying. Study, I don't wanna study, I really dun wanna study, all on my own... Um, you can ignore me... I think I'm too sian-ed le...FACTORS AFFECTING DEMAND- seasonal factors- price change expectations- govt economic policies- availability of credit facilities and hire purchase- size and composition of e population- degree of necessity of the gd- prices and demands of related fds- consumers' tastes and preferencesFACTORS AFFECTING SUPPLY- no of suppliers- price of factor inputs- price of related goods- weather conditions (agricultural products)- state of technology- govt policy (taxes and subsidies)FACTORS AFFECTING PED- degree of necessity of the good to consumers- proportion of income spent on the gd- habits of consumers- availability of substitutes- time periodFACTORS AFFECTING PES- cost of attracting extra factor inputs- entry barriers- time periodFACTORS AFFECTING YED- definition of the gd (normal? inferior?)- time period when consumption pattern changes- proportion of income spent on the gd..FACTORS AFFECTING XED- er.... coefficient... will include the closeness of the relationship- er.... sigh... positive or negative.INTERNAL ECONOMIES OF SCALE- technical- adminstrative/managerial- marketing/commercial- others (welfare, r n d)- risk bearing economies- financialEXTERNAL ECONOMIES OF SCALE - reputation- availability of skilled labour- Research and development- Ancillary firms- transport and commercial facilitiesEXTERNAL DISECONOMIES OF SCALE- localized unemployment... unexpected events?- traffic congestion- cost of factor inputs very greatINTERNAL DISECONOMIES OF SCALE...er.... this one is like writing essay liddat. Dun wanna put la.
*evil laugh*
Hola people! I'm back with a new round of pics. Be_very_afraid.
Yesterday we went to Eunice's house for study group. Guess what? We really studied for the very first time!! Hahaha... well... only for a few hours, but at least we _accomplished_something. I DID FIVE TRIGONOMETRY QUESTIONS! GO ME!... or, as David likes to point out, HE did them. Haha... fwine la. Thanks a lot though ^_^ And I DID revise my Econs... David made me worried because he practically memorised everything on the first page, which is a LOT already. Blah. And then Vinny (who was testing me) kept on telling me that I shouldn't memorize my facts! when I didn't! I never do. Really. Haha.
Von traumatised me because she was so high yesterday... I realized that Neos have no childhood! We never got to ride on the mini motorcar thing at AMK central... you know... where you can see all the toddlers zooming around on mini bikes and motorcars. Haha. So cute.
And I enlightened Labbit!1 Cause he was being too lame! So I taught him a lesson... haha... everybody must thank me!!
What am I doing on the comp... I should be mugging like Sweez! Bleh. Okay, so as of today, I will not blog on such a large scale anymore! This is my last big big big post until the end of exams. *cries* EXAMS...!!!!!!!!!!

FRONT VIEW OF LABBIT. Look at him, so dilligently doing his work.

SIDE VIEW OF LABBIT. See, he's studying my (horrible - fwine la!) handwriting! Labbit is so cute lor! I have no idea who's the other spikey-haired guy who barged into the room, sat down, claimed that HE was Labbit and kicked Labbit away!! So awful! (=P)

TOYS R US. This is THE best picture ever. Look very carefully at the right. That's how the doll's headband/whatever is supposed to be positioned. Look very carefully at the left. WTH??

TOYS R US. We had no childhood. Sigh. *shakes head*

THE FORUM. This is a pic of Cheeki wearing a pink flowery costume. What got into him?!

TOYS R US. This is a pic of Crispy with two bears! NO! Actually, it's FOUR bears! Haha...

TOYS R US. Haha! Euni finally got a pic of (real) Cheeki!1 Wahaha! So cute!

I LOVE YVONNE!!!! She gave me all these Inuyasha figurines!! Thanks forever, twinnie!

This is a picture of Inuyasha being sitted (sat?) If you don't know what that means, then you should watch Inuyasha. =P
Haha, I realized that I'm getting worried for my mid-years... especially since the more that date draws near, the more I STONE when I'm supposed to be studying... something is wrong with me. =P I'm especially worried about Geog, because there is such a crapload of stuff to memorise. Blehhhh. (No use worrying about Maths because I'm going to fail it anyway. Btw, my mom forced me to get Math tuition on Sunday. Oh, no. Somebody help me think of a way to skirt the topic about the fact that I got 6/40 for my last test! My tutor will be so demoralized...) Er, anyway... I did manage to learn Maths with the help of Adeline and Shannen yesterday. Thanks a lot! Hee... Something funny happened on the train yesterday as I was heading for Woodlands. These two women came into the train pushing their prams with their kids inside. They sat across from me. Apparently they were relatives or something. Anyway, they started chatting, and periodically one of them would turn to the baby-chair and coo... "SHU TIIIIIIIIING ~~~! TIIIIING AH!!!!" LMAO... so I happened to share the same name with the kid... I was umchio-ing all the way to Woodlands... Okie... after the tuition session, I went home. I got out at the 21st storey as usual, and when I stepped out of the lift, someone brushed past me and was going to head for it. Then I froze there, cause the person looked so familiar. Then I realized - it was my DAD! OMG! When I came out of the lift he DIDN'T RECOGNIZE ME!! Or maybe because my mom is right about him always staring at the floor... or maybe he is too short and doesn't bother looking up... The fact that he didn't realize it was his own daughter who had come out of the lift was really funny though... gosh... my dad can be so blur. =POkie... everyone! Gambatte! Let's do well for mid-years together!! =D
(as told to Magdalene Goh)
Once upon a time, there was this girl named Shu Ting who was sitting on the toilet bowl in her bathroom. She took the toilet roll from a shelf and guess what rolled out? Something big and black with very long feelers! Immediately, shu ting screeched and ran out! It was a.... *drum rolll* KA ZHUA!!!!!
The cockroach ran behind the door. Shu Ting asked her mother to get it, but her mother didn't care. (SO bad.) Shu Ting checked behind the door. But the cockroach wasn't there. How strange!
A few minutes later, Shu Ting's sister entered the bathroom to bathe. Shu Ting waited. But nothing happened.
A few hours later, Shu Ting's mother went into the bathroom to bathe. Shu Ting waited. But nothing happened.
Another hour later, SHu Ting's father went into the bathroom to bathe. Shu Ting waited. BUT NOTHING HAPPENED.
Finally, a little later, Shu Ting entered the bathroom to wash her face. She shut the door - and guess what came out from behind the door - THE KA ZHUA!!!!!
Shu Ting screamed and ran out and got her father to get the cockroach...
MORAL OF THE STORY: Shu Ting is either very unlucky OR the cockroach has a crush on her!!! How very unfortunate!!
The End
ok... I'm in a spastic mood now... brought on by the subsiding of my sudden bout of depression... hee.
nice day yesterdaaaay
Sigh... okay... I'm all alone this morning XD because the rest of the hardcorers are at Sentosa!!!! (I think...) *another sigh* And I couldn't go with them... Oh, well. Yesterday I went shopping with my mama and my sis!! Bought a lot of clothes... and um... as always the highlight came with meeting the hardcore gang. Heee. I think I was so high I scared them. I was supposed to be sleepy because of my major shopping spree and the medicine I took in the morning, but... Anyway... They asked me why I was so high... duh. The answer, of course, is that I'm not low!...hahahahaha. Anyay, I wanna thank YVONNE!! For coming back from Taiwan and giving me six Inuyasha figurines! Hoho! I luff you, evil twin! You're so un-evil! LOL... I wanna thank Ying Hui too, for making me feel better - and YES, I want to talk to you too. Heee... I also wanna thank Euni, for always being nice and obliging and easy to talk to... Vinny for letting me pat his head... Labbit, for deciding to go... Cheeki and Josh for cracking me up... Sweez for being beary (GBB) ... Gor Crispy for giving me one LONGAN! Yeah! (LOL!) And to everybody for calling me when I left... me very touched. *sniff*'Kay, I'll go prepare now... KBOX! KBOX SESSION AT 11AM! OMG! OMG! *dies of excitement* ...Never mind. Oh, yeah, I haven't told the *ka zhua* story! Oh, well. Maybe next time.
OMG! I forgot to tell the *ka zhua* story... Must remind me to tell you all later... I have to run... Must watch Dou Yu!! Yush!! Bye bye! *is really hyper**roaches suck!*
is it just me or am I hyper today...?
Today is a good day!! Guzheng practice was fun!... haha... and I went to AMK central with Shuyi for lunch... it's been ages since we last had a long talk together! Hee! But we didn't take Neoprints like we agreed to... sad... we were broke anyway. We spent 8 bucks (altogether) to order a huge bowl of yong tau foo. (As in, we bought a lot of 'liao'. And I mean A LOT.) I spent like 5 bucks on stationery. Then, afterwards, I couldn't resist buying soya bean milk. I LOVE SOYA BEAN MILK!!!...haha... and, yes, as you can see... I FINISHED EDITING MY NEW BLOGSKIN! hee... It's all thanks to Sylvia, really... the girl rocks!! I got the feeling that I was being annoying by asking her so many questions regarding html... really sorry, pal... next time I'll learn by myself =P But thanks a lot anyway! I love you! XDum...The Outsiders (DOU YU) is on repeat on ch. 56!! Must watch! Must watch!! *dies*sigh... I am really looking forward to Wednesday. KBOX! I don't know if I can make it tomorrow... Von, I'm really sorry about being unavailable today!! aaahhh. I feel so bad. Love you all, guys! Miss you all, guys!! Really really!...
I'm back!
Yay!! Missed me?!!? LOL...
Hee... I am here to blog about the ZH camp! (I don't know why I'm doing this to myself... I'm sleepy... And I'm here blogging. I DID sleep for three hours though. And I was only three songs into the CD before I fell asleep. I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF!! Whee hee hee.)
Haha... The camp has its good and bad parts. ('Cause everything does and you know it.) Bad parts? Well... the toilets, the food, the way our class refused to co-operate and the way we walked around Serangoon Av 3 stinking like hell for the whole day. x.x The good parts? The MASS DANCES!, the new friends I made (sorta), the gratification we as facilitators felt when our class became *high* and when they won some of the games... hee.
The facils. for 2E1 comprised me, Roxanne, Gabriel, Celia, Jerome (is that how it's spelt?), Le Hao, Samantha and Jiayi. Samantha was MIA from first day onwards because she sprained her ankle somewhere along the way. So was Jiayi, who was supposed to be my partner. But she kept on sticking to her friend like glue that even when she was nearby, she was doing a lot to help me. Not that I did a lot of work, either... The group that I facilitated was *dao* like hell. Jerome seriously has a BIG attitude problem... Le Hao is very cute though... I wouldn't mind having a younger brother like him.. LOL ( because most younger brothers are just brats. Really.)
2e1 (its reputation has somehow always been like this) were really unco-operative.. The facils lost their temper a countless number of times, esp. Jerome (who was obviously so NOT doing anything to help the students' impression of us) and Le Hao (who lost his voice just a while into the first day.) I can't say I, er, didn't relate to 2e1 a little. After all, the 2e1 I belonged to in 2002 behaved much more badly than this. No, really. (And I had fun in 2E1. No kidding...)
On the first day, I got along with my group quite okay... We actually talked and cheered and stuff... But on the second day, they won a game at the expense of one team member, who got injured... It put a damper on everyone's spirits, plus I happened to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Sigh... afterwards no one was in any mood at all, and I felt hopeless especially. Bleh. ( I wasn't the only one there. All the facils felt the same. lol.)
But the campfire and mass dance sessions were really great. ^^ I love Mary Moore! (or is it 'merry moore'?) whatever, I had a lot of fun doing that song... I think I danced it like eight times in one day. LOL. But the requirement for that song is that your partner and people around you must be *enthu* along with you. If not you're just going to feel stupid and lame dancing that song.
I did regret signing up for the camp, but I think I did pick up a few lessons from it. It was quite a different experience, I suppose... The camp com really put in a lot of effort for it. Thanks to them!! They've made a difference in the lives of the students who actually enjoyed the whole thing.
I missed home so much the whole time I was there. You can't blame me, really... with such a class and endless running-arounds and getting all sweaty and knowing you have a horrible bathroom to look forward to at 12 in the morning. Haha.
And I missed the hardcorers SO, SO, SO much! LOL. i think you all have become a daily necessity. o_o I just realized I was more attached to NYJC than to ZHSS now. I don't really feel at home with the ZH crowd anymore. ( I think that's maybe because of the fact that no one from the usual 4e4 clique(s) I belonged to turned up, except for me, but...) My best school experience ever was at NYJC. I'm being perfectly honest here.
On another note... xuxule.com has the wrong lyrics for Stefanie's 'TAO WANG' (which is one of my favourite Stef songs EVAR)... anyone knows where to find them? Hee...
The room is so stuffy!! aaahhh. Euni, I'll upload the pics tomorrow... sorry for procrastinating... =P
Sorting out my thoughts is supposed to make me feel better, but I only feel more tired.Thanks Sylvia for that small conversation. I luff you, girl. *hugs* You MUST write me that letter. Or talk to me on the phone or something. Whee. went out shopping with Shannen and Adeline just now... my feet hurt... Those slippers are not meant to be worn on a window shopping trip...I think I scared toddler-chan with my sudden high-ness... She said that if I'm too high, I will explode... I told her, "No, I won't explode, I will just fall and sustain very bad injuries.' She peng-ed. Hahaha. I'm not high le... balloon burst...*gives Shannen hug* Don't think too much, girl! Me luff you....I'm really tired.
What am I doing online? I'm damn sleepy... hahaha...Many happy things happened today... for one, I spent the whole morning with hardcorers... I DID feel a bit guilty about ps-ing my classmates, but oh, well... I had a nice talk with dear Shanny, and guzheng was a lot more fun that I imagined... YAY! We are not lianing 'hua die' anymore... That song is super boring... hee... We are lianing 'yi zu wu qu'!! Which was my ZH SYF song... and it rocks!! Mwahahaha! Plus, everyone knows how to play it... (that's why we picked it in the first place...) So fun! Wahahaha!After we were dismissed they switched on the radio and we danced. o.o For some reason. I like the ZH mass dance. 'merry more' or something. It's super cute and fun. And I love Traditional Couple Dance. Hoho. Too bad I never learnt All Stars. Bad me.
crystal jade kitchen
... is nice!Pa treated our family to lunch today. I was so touched~! *sniff* No, really! At first I wanted to turn down the invitation 'cause I made a promised to myself to stay home and study, but then I remembered something Lye (of all people) said about 'missing the boat' and I agreed. Haha... Anyway... it was really good... I LOVE century eggs! Hoho! And super-fried tofu! And prawn+egg horfun! Me ish gluttony!Haha... and when I went home... it turned out that I didn't study much after all... Should have gone out with hardcorers, really... I'm missing them so much even though I just saw them yesterday. I'm WAY too hardcore. Maybe. =P*is the eating queen!*
Hey peeps. I wanted to blog about the happy stuff that's happened recently, but I'm quite tired. I'll give a shout out to you hardcorers later. Thanks for everything, guys. =)
OMG FUCK. SHUT UP ALREADY. Get something to do. Get a JOB. Find some meaning in your life. I KNOW. I already KNOW that your main purpose in life is to take care of us daughters. Make sure we're fed and comfortable and happy and everything. But so what? It hurts to think that you don't trust us and have enough belief in us... to think that you are actually WORRIED that one day we will abandon you and throw you onto the streets. And STOP comparing yourself with him. It's DIFFERENT. Who says we don't do things together?! And I think we're very fortunate already. How many people do I know who barely spend time with their parents?And how long have I wanted the whole family to have quality time together? You think I don't want that? But you realize that even if we do, the only thing you do is annoy the heck out of me? You still think I'm simple-minded and naive. You're always lecturing me to be on my guard, blah blah blah... You say you're not scolding me, you say YOUR VOICE IS LIKE THAT. You have to use so much energy to speak and that's why your voice is so high-pitched and loud. PLEASE. If it's that bad for you, DON'T SPEAK. Thinkkof yourself first. JUST FOR ONCE, THINK OF YOURSELF FIRST. OKAY? Stop being self-sacrificing. Neither do you have any reasoo to be long-winded because WE'RE OLD AND MATURE ENOUGH TO TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES. I'm not saying we don't need your help. Neither am I saying I don't appreciate what you've done for the both of us. I believe I owe you my everything. But I think it's time for you to understand. But you don't. And I don't know how to communicate with you either. I can't talk to you because I'll start crying. I am stupid that way. I can't say it's not all my fault. And please stop saying bad stuff about him... it really hurts me... He is a horrible person in many ways. But he's still my dad. Both of you have your horrible and your really, really nice ways. But hey, everyone does. Family is supposed to accept all this. I LOVE YOU ALL JUST THE SAME. OMG, sometimes I get SO irritated.I'm sorry, I'm not supposed to post this here. My blog isn't supposed to be this personal. But if I can't let you all know, I don't know who I'm supposed to talk to. Sometimes I'm hurting so badly but no one sees. It's not just my family either... many, many things have been happening and they're not really good...End of rant. I'm the happy me again.